California Fair Political Practices Commission has enacted new reporting requirements for political donors who are LLCs.
Effective August 21, 2020:
- An LLC that qualifies as an independent expenditure committee or major donor must list “the individual primarily responsible for approving the political activity of the limited liability company” as its “responsible officer.” (Regulation 18402.2.)
- A recipient committee that receives a contribution of $100 or more from an LLC must include as part of the contributor information on its campaign statement the name of the LLC’s responsible officer, as defined in Regulation 18402.2. (Regulation 18421.10)
Local CA jurisdictions without a contribution limit governed by local law will now be limited by state law
Beginning January 1, 2021, a state campaign contribution limit will by default apply to city and county candidates when the city or county has not already enacted laws addressing contribution limits on such candidates. In addition to state laws, contribution limits are also imposed in many California cities, counties and districts. Contact your city or county about contribution limits for local offices. Local ordinances are posted here: ( ). All information should be verified with the election agency within the local jurisdiction.
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